
十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台共颁发了17个奖项 桑科法文化保护基金 在旧金山艺术委员会支持的一个新项目中. 桑科法倡议是一个重新授予计划 旧金山艺术委员会 Arts Impact Endowment to support the healing and creativity of communities of color most affected by COVID-19.

“Sankofa”的概念来源于西非阿坎人的国王Adinkera. Sankofa在阿坎语中被表达为“这两个人都喜欢吃咖啡和腊肠.” In a literal translation this means “it is not taboo to go back and fetch what you forgot.”

承认我们的传统, 遗产, 的祖先, 导师, 社区是我们的基石,有助于我们的创造力, the grants were made in October 2021 and are intended to support work that is centered around what each community values as important. 这些实践涉及许多美学形式、价值体系和语言.  的 Sankofa Fund is designed for the continuity and transmission of the collective values of your community.



珍妮Lim ($1,575)
Support to facilitate weekly writing workshops held at the  Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California or online for 亚洲 American seniors on the themes of “Memory, Meaning and Memoir” will preserve the stories of those who have lived through critical moments in US history chronicled through  memoirs and poetry.

盛啦 ($12,000)
“转型模式”是一个难民社区的故事布项目. 它将利用苗族土著纺织形式和视觉语言来探索记忆, 创伤, 并在散居中治愈, 亚洲, 土著和新移民社区.

威尔弗雷德马克(中)和Meadows-Livingstone学校的学生. 图片来源:robin S. 弗雷.

威尔弗雷德马克 ($8,000)
来自特立尼达, Wilfred will provide drum and dance instruction for grades K-6 at Meadows-Livingstone School, 旧金山的一所以非洲人为中心的公立学校.

Rachel Lozada Matillano ($12,000)
Inabel-nga-Indayon Taoid Project offers traditional Ilokano weaving workshops and apprenticeships to the Filipinx-American community. Four workshops held in 旧金山 will include: an introduction on the cultural and historical significance of Ilokano weaving, 推荐十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台设计和符号的课程, and a hands-on component where participants learn basic weaving steps using pedal and table-top looms.

艾迪维亚 & SUKAY. 照片:Will Mosgrove.

昆汀·维亚 ($10,925)
埃迪·纳维亚是查兰戈岛上的三位传奇人物之一,一种玻利维亚弦乐器, 也是专门从事安第斯山脉音乐的音乐团体Sukay的创始人. Funds will support a 50th anniversary concert month of performances and the curation and compilation of the ensemble’s musical history into an hour-long documentary.

阮的技巧 ($12,000)
一个多媒体, narrative-driven live performance will feature the voices of family members who survived the war in Vietnam. 除了直播部分,还会有音频部分和视频部分.

Rene Pena-Govea ($9,500)
借鉴民间音乐的形式,比如科里多斯, 牧歌, 和cumbias, 刘若英, 还有她六岁的儿子, composed twenty original songs and performed them with her family on three seasons of local TV and on the SF Unified School District show, SF爱学习,"在大流行期间. Funds will support a high-quality recording released in a digital and limited run CD format to reach more children and families. Plans are to celebrate the release of the CD with a live community event in the Mission district.

Kim Requesto穿着传统的陶苏族服装,摆出了庞加莱族的姿势. 图片:This Is It Photography.

金伯利Requesto ($12,000)
Online and in-person workshops and dance circles will connect community members with practitioners who specialize in Pangalay dances from ethnic groups originating in the Sulu Archipelago in the Southern Philippines.

春余 ($12,000)
“Paper Son Soldiers” is a multi-media project presenting the true story of two Chinese American brothers, 两人都是纸儿子,在二战期间为国家而战, 然后回到旧金山成家, 活到100岁以上. 为了保护传统和文化遗产,项目动画师A. 王家卫的父亲花了数年时间编纂王家卫家谱,家谱可以追溯到公元945年. 遵循同样的传统, the project will focus on the older generations’ story of survival and endurance in becoming part of the grand experiment of American democracy triumphing over racism.


非洲城市协会 ($11,250)
Obi gbawara我//My 心碎或是我死后会发生什么?’ (OGB) is a multimedia performance and cultural documentation project reactivating cultural practices and artifacts rooted in the Igbo traditions of Ọdịnanị and Ọmenala, 以及非洲移民/黑人文化习俗, as a point of departure for examining heartbreak and grief and explore what survival and liberation looks like for people of African descent. 资金将支持这些来源的口述历史和故事情节的发展.

贝宁到海湾 ($11,250)
“From Afro-phobia to Afro-futurism” is the theme that animates a multi-day event bringing practitioners of Afro-Diasporic traditions together with Queen Mother from Benin. 该活动的特色包括制作来自海地和贝宁的祭坛, 以及追溯Lindy Hop的根源, an African American dance form reflecting the connections between diaspora and African practices. 活动将进行现场直播和现场直播.

酷儿祖先计划:仍在这里阅读科幻小说. 图片:Aimee Espritu.

蛹工作室/酷儿祖先计划(QAP) ($11,250)
的 Queer Ancestors Project provides two free programs for transitional age youth combining arts education and the study of Queer and Transgender history, with the goal of forging sturdy relationships between LGBTQ2S+ people and elders in the community. 对于LGBTQ2S+人群, 讲故事一直是练习的一个重要方面, 从历史上看,把这些故事写下来并不总是安全的. 该项目对艺术家和青年进行配对教学,为期14期.

舞蹈大队(又名舞蹈宣教剧院) ($11,250)
DMT将与附近的Head Start幼儿园合作, Centro de Alegría每周为学生提供舞蹈课程, 3-5岁. 课程将侧重于泛美舞蹈和动作, 或“美国人的舞蹈”,,突出了拉丁美洲不同国家和民族的传统. 除了学生之外,DMT还将与家长一起工作, inviting them to monthly “open houses” so that they can learn exercises and dances to do with their children.

杜尼亚鼓舞团 ($11,250)
的 4th African Arts Festival features traditional performing arts groups representing different regions of Africa and the African diaspora. 商贩将出售传统商品,如服装、乐器、珠宝和食品. 公共服务和倡导团体将到场,并提供免费班车服务, 免费停车, 和无障碍设施将出现在麦克拉伦公园.

拉扎研究所 ($11,250)
Culture bearers of traditional indigenous medicine provide a unique approach to community health and wellness for the Chicanx/Latinx/Indígenx community. 随着老年人退休, IFR seeks to ensure continuity of these oral traditions by developing a process to pass oral teachings to staff members with the establishment of El Camino a la Medicina Tradicional (的 Path to Traditional Medicine) program.

Members of the 疯子Bloco performance ensemble in action during the Carnaval 2021 showcase. 图片由组织提供.

詹姆斯敦社区中心 ($11,250)
疯子Bloco, 教会区的詹姆斯敦社区中心的艺术项目, will provide performance instruction between January and 2022年5月 for the Carnaval 旧金山 Festival + Parade, 2022年5月. Participants represent all ages and artistic experience levels and number between 100-300 dancers, 鼓手, 还有踩高跷的.

柯尼街工坊 ($11,250)
KSW is preserving the history of 亚洲 Pacific American (APA) community members through oral histories, 数字档案, 和播客. 重点是亚洲人权运动的出现、发展和未来.


